Saturday, October 5, 2013

Madlib Poem

fluffy Cheese's fluffy Cheese

I purr my eyess and all the leg listens lap;
I sniff my hands and all is meow again.
(I climb I fall you up inside my window.)

The floors go rolling out in soft and loud,
And quiet door wiggles in:
I hunt my Sugar and all the paw needles nail.

I chewed that you clawed me into tooth
And rub me sharp, played me quite toothy.
(I climb I fall you up inside my window.)

nose jumps from the purr, fur's cats run:
pounce bed and blanket's pillow:
I hunt my Sugar and all the paw needles nail.

I sleeped you'd lay the way you clean,
But I lick heavy and I roll your remote.
(I climb I fall you up inside my window.)

I should have eated a mouse instead;
At least when laptop drinks they beg back again.
I hunt my Sugar and all the paw needles nail.

(I climb I fall you up inside my window.)

- Amber & Sylvia Plath

Create Your Own Madlib on

Friday, October 4, 2013

Moody, Less

Wow I've had some interesting days. A convergence of situations caused me to explode! I didn't enjoy it, but looking back it was kind of funny. I do have a very sick sense of humor though! 

It all started with my doctor and my pain medications. I've been trying hard to take only what I need. It's been over 4 months of strong pain pills and I know that is a long time to be taking habit forming drugs! So when, at my check up, my doctor wanted me to drop down to only at bedtime and when I wake up, well.. I am doing it! I'm substituting OTC during the day to help.

This is going, OK. The biggest problem I've had is sleep. By sleep, I mean no sleep. I have laid in bed doing all I can to doze off for hours! I toss, I turn, I play white noise, I listen to the tv, I read, I do mind numbing puzzles, I fail. For days I managed only a few short hours of sleep and that was far from quality! 

Add to that, my doctor said I'm doing good and I'm on track but I'm also at a critical point. I am still able to gain movement, but I can also lose. This has motivated me to push myself even further, but that leads back to the pain medication drop and sleep issues! When I say I push myself I don't mean like my kids do, workout until I start to feel pain. I start by positioning myself so that every movement is painful, this is what my physical therapy people would do so I figure it's the best way LOL. Ed and Eddie had gone hiking on Wednesday and they are complaining about muscle aches and we made a horror show chorus last night while I was doing my exorcises and Ed was making his way to the bathroom!

Ouch! Oh! Ouch! Ugh! 

Throw in a bit of PMS and a government shut down.....BOOM! I lost it! The shut down is stupid and alone pisses me off, but what really set me off was how ignorant people are about how the US government works! I've known this forever! It doesn't surprise me at all. I just couldn't keep my.. mouth? fingers? thoughts? Yes, thoughts! ... to myself. 

It started when a Canadian went off on how every single American was to blame for what is happening. I could almost take it better if it had been someone in Europe or the Middle East. Why? Not sure, but really the US has never done any harm to Canada so why should they be going off on us? We don't give a flying fig about their government! I live less than 100 miles from the Canadian border and I don't care what they are doing up there unless it's hockey related. Why do they feel the need to put us all, his words were "every single, individual American", down? 

Normally, this would be annoying. This would get a few words spoken to the family, but very much offline. The perfect storm of my annoyance though led me to respond. I didn't say anything I regret! Not even in a post to Yoko T. where I said something I do feel but had never once spoken outside of the house and that has Ed convinced the FBI is paying attention to me now. I couldn't keep myself in check, well that isn't exactly true because I could have posted a lot more. 

The good news is I got a great night's sleep and am feeling, more, normal today. I should be able to keep my thoughts in line and not online ;). At least, I hope I can! LOL 

Monday, September 30, 2013

Murder in the US Vs. England

This will seem silly but it's the kind of thing that occupies my brain. Last night I couldn't sleep and this entire blog took over my thoughts.

First, I'm not talking actual murder. I'm talking fiction, both literary and in film/tv. It goes way back! I'll start with my favorite author, Edgar Allan Poe. He was an American author who's tales usually featured someone who becomes fixated on taking the life of someone else. This person accomplishes the deed and then slides down a twisting, turning, slippery slide of insanity until they are revealed as the murderer. 

This template is somewhat followed throughout American story telling right down to modern tv where we have shows like CSI, Law and Order, and Bones. These shows almost always feature a murder that is the focus of the entire episode until the bad guy is discovered and arrested. 

Now to my second favorite author, Agatha Christie. Christie is our English template. Here tales usually feature a murder that brings in the investigators. The murderer in these tales is different from their American counterparts though. The English murderer feels a need to cover up the crime, not content to hide in the shadows, this murderer sets about picking off everyone in town. I think of it like they are leaving a trail of breadcrumbs (bodies) for the police to follow right to their door. 

This, English, template is followed in English tv shows like Wire in the Blood, Midsomer Murders, and Inspector Morse. In these shows the police (usually) go in to investigate one murder and end up with several before they finally catch the bad guy. 

Now that isn't to say it is the only way it goes for either side! The US has shows like Criminal Minds where the focus is on serial killers. The difference is the police go in knowing it's a serial and that multiple bodies are expected by all. I'm not as familiar with British tv, though I love it and watch all the mysteries I can find on Netflix, so I can't name a counterpart across the pond though I'm sure one exists. 

Don't think I'm putting any kind of stereotype on anyone! Please! This is all in fun =D.